71 year old male with hypoglycemia


This is online E log book to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking   his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome .

Name : Ankitha

Roll no : 78


I’ve been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of “patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations, and come up with diagnosis 


71 year old male patient presented to the casuality with complaints of unresponsiveness at 6am in the morning 


Patient was unresponsive since 6 am in the morning and was taken to local hospital and his grbs was found to be 40mg/dl and was treated with 25D iv fluids and improved symptomatically and was referred to higher centre

Patient is a known diabetic and before this incident he was using Glicazide 60mg and metformin 500mg regularly 

5 days back after his routine checkup he was adviced to use glimiperide 2mg from now on .

Patient attenders thought glimiperide tablet as a part of att treatment and used it along with glicazide and metformin they were previously using since 4-5 days and today morning patient developed unresponsiveness.

When He came to our hospital grbs was 63mg/dl and was started on 25D i.v fluid and treated symptomatically.

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3months back then he developed fever, cough with sputum , generalised weakness and loss of appetite and went to local hospital , where he got treated but symptoms did not resolve and on further investigations he was diagnosed with tuberculosis and was started on ATT (HRZE) (on 6/12/22)

and after 3-4 days patient developed skin reactions (dermatitis ) and so patient went to local hospital and was given medication but did not resolve and finally he was shifted to rifampicin 450 mg and INH 300mg from the past 25 days as the patient developed itching towards ethambutol and pyrazinamide

Patient didn’t take the ATT Medication regularly

From the past 2 months


K/c/o TB since 2months ( Sputum positive - Pulmonary TB )

K/c/o Type 2 Diabetes mellitus since 3 years (on Glicazide 60mg and metformin 500mg )and glimiperide 2mg once daily started since 4-5 days

K/c/o hypertension since 10 years ( on telma 40mg and metoprolol 47.5mg )

H/O Hernia surgery 6 years back 


Diet : mixed
Appetite : normal
Sleep : normal
Bowel and Bladder : Regular
No allergies
Smoker since 6 years 


Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative

Afebrile on touch
PR - 112 bpm
BP - 110/80
RR - 24cpm
Spo2 - 94%
Grbs - 63mg/dl —-after 1/2 25D—-113mg/dl




Shape of chest is elliptical. 

No raised JVP

No visible pulsations, scars , sinuses , engorged veins.

Palpation :

Apex beat - felt at left 5th intercostal space

No thrills and parasternal heaves

Auscultation :

S1 and S2 heard.



Shape- elliptical 

B/L symmetrical 

Both sides moving equally with respiration .

No scars, sinuses, engorged veins, pulsations 


Trachea - central

Expansion of chest is symmetrical. 

Vocal fremitus - normal

Percussion: resonant bilaterally 


bilateral air entry present

Wheeze present


Inspection :

Umbilicus is central and inverted

All quadrants are moving equally with respiration 

No sinuses , engorged veins, visible pulsations .

Hernial orifices are free.

Palpation :

Soft, Non tender

No organomegaly.

Liver and Spleen - Not palpable 

Percussion : Tympanic note heard over the abdomen.

Auscultation :

Bowel sounds are heard.


Conscious,coherent and cooperative 

Speech- normal

No signs of meningeal irritation. 

Cranial nerves- intact

Sensory system- normal 

Motor system:

Tone- normal

Power- bilaterally 5/5 

Reflexes Right  Left

Biceps      ++        ++

Triceps.   ++.        ++

Supinator ++       ++

Knee.         ++.      ++

Ankle        ++.       ++


Tb :




Hypoglycemia secondary to ? OHA induced


 1. I.v fluid 25D iv/stat
Dns @ 50ml/hr
2. Inj. Neomol 1g iv/sos
3. Inj. Levofloxacin 750mg iv/od
3. Tab. Paracetamol 650mg po/sos
4. Tab. Azithromycin 500mg po/od
5. Tab. Telma 40mg po/od
6. Tab. Metoprolol 50mg po/od
7. Tab. Pantop 40mg po/od
8. Nebulisation with 
ipravent - 8th hrly and budecort 8th hrly
9. Inj. Optineurin in 100ml ns iv/od


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