Internship Assessment

Name : Ankitha

Roll no : 78

2017 Batch

Period of Posting : 12/02/23 to 13/04/23

This blog is all about my learning experiences in 2 months of my internship while i was posted in general medicine department.

First i had Psychiatry posting for 15 days 

During Psychiatry postings :

1. I got to see numerous cases in the opd which includes schizophrenia , depression, alcohol dependence disorder , drug addiction , postpartum blues , anxiety , panic attacks .

2. I learnt to take history of such diverse cases and understood the importance of patient confiding in us and how it impacts our diagnosis and treatment.

3. I learnt to manage and monitored patients in delirium 

4. I visited de-addiction centre and learned about the activities done there and treatment given for those patients.

5. I learnt to do mental status examination 

Then i was posted in UNIT-6 in medicine department for 1month 

OP AND UNIT duty experience:

We had op days every Saturday and saw approximately 50-60 cases per day

I learnt to take history of various cases and learnt to do general and physical examination .

I learnt which investigations should be sent based on symptoms and signs and finally how to diagnose a case and give treatment 

On op days we have Casuality duties also and i got to see how emergencies are dealt with.

I learnt to secure an iv cannula 

I put my first ryles tube under guidance of pg nithin sir 

I did ascitic tap under guidance of pg prachethan sir 

For admitted cases i learnt to take their blood samples for investigations 

I learnt the process of getting billing done and collected the reports for all the admitted cases.

During our discussion regarding thyroid profile of a patient rakesh biswas sir asked me to visit the biochemistry lab and know the whole process and so i got to see and learn about the process and mechanism behind the testing.

I learnt Fever chart representation and updated fever chart everyday

I learnt to make SOAP notes and updated them daily in the groups

I made PaJR groups and actively participated in discussions regarding the patient’s condition and encouraged patient attenders to interact in the group .

I also did follow up for my cases to know how they are coping up after they got discharged.

I also did exam duty and filmed the presentation of juniors during their final practicals.

These are the blogs of the cases which i saw during my unit duty. 

1. 71 year old female patient with complaints of fever, cough and cold

2. 38yr old female with complaints of fever,cold,cough,burning micturition


4. 71 year old male with hypoglycemia

5. 75yr male with ascites secondary to degenerative liver disease

6. 35yr male with pancreatitis and hypertension

7. 55yr old female with Acute kidney injury

8. 43yr old male with SOB , Anasarca

9. 45yr old male with acute pancreatitis

** Last 16 days i had my peripherals in order : Ward , ICU ,Nephrology 

** I had WARD duty for 5 days and

I got to see various cases as ward includes cases from all the units and took history of all cases first thing in the morning during ward duties.

I presented that history to my pgs (deepika mam and lohith sir ) and they corrected me and made my history presentation better and i got chance to present cases during ward rounds.

We had great discussion regarding the patient’s condition during rounds and this developed curiosity in me to know what exactly happened to the patient so that he landed in this condition

I learnt the importance of investigations and how to evaluate and find out the cause of the condition in patient and treat accordingly.

I also made my co interns who were posted in the units to make pajr groups and post soap notes on time .

** Following ward i had ICU duty for 6 days 

During my shift in Intensive care unit i gained a lot of clinical knowledge and skill.

I learnt ventilator settings and how to manage a patient on ventilator

I learnt about intubation and got opportunity to see how intubation was done in the icu itself by medicine pgs.

I also saw surgery pgs perform tracheostomy in the icu.

I monitored vitals of patients timely

I learnt to do cpr during icu posting

I  learnt how to take abg sample 

I learnt to insert foleys catheter

I got the chance to put foleys catheter in a paediatric case under the guidance of pg harika mam 

I learnt to put ryles tube

I learnt how to secure an iv cannula

** Lastly i had NEPHROLOGY duty for 5 days

During nephrology postings i monitored patients in ckd ward and also took care of nephrology cases in icu and amc and also dialysis unit.

I assisted my pgs keerthi mam and venkat sir while placing a central line 

I got an opportunity to put central line sutures twice

I learnt the process of dialysis and how the dialysis unit works and monitored many patients while they were undergoing dialysis

I also learnt to deal with emergencies of nephrology which arrived in casualty

I also learnt the process of blood transfusion and monitored patients during the transfusion.

Overall general medicine posting helped me improve my clinical skills and knowledge and gave me a lot of first experiences that i would cherish throughout my life .


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