
Showing posts from May, 2023

Internship Assessment

Name : Ankitha Roll no : 78 2017 Batch Period of Posting : 12/02/23 to 13/04/23 This blog is all about my learning experiences  in 2 months of my internship while i was posted in general medicine department. First i had Psychiatry posting for 15 days  During Psychiatry  postings : 1. I got to see numerous cases in the opd which includes schizophrenia , depression, alcohol dependence disorder , drug addiction , postpartum blues , anxiety , panic attacks . 2. I learnt to take history of such diverse cases and understood the importance of patient confiding in us and how it impacts our diagnosis and treatment. 3. I learnt to manage and monitored patients in delirium  4. I visited de-addiction centre and learned about the activities done there and treatment given for those patients. 5. I learnt to do mental status examination  Then i was posted in UNIT-6 in medicine department for 1month  OP AND UNIT duty experience: We had op days every Saturday and saw approximately 50-60 cases per day I