
Showing posts from January, 2022

70Year Old Male with Altered Sensorium

This is an online E-log entry blog to discuss and understand the clinical data analysis of a patient, to develop competency in comprehending clinical problems, and providing evidence- based inputs in order to come up with a diagnosis and effective treatment plan to the best of my ability. Name : K.Ankitha Roll no : 67 Batch : 2017       A 70 year old male who is a daily wage labourer by occupation was brought to the casualty ward with the chief complaints of altered sensorium since 5 days and burning sensation in oral cavity and difficulty in swallowing  and shortness of breath and a productive cough since 25 days Timeline :  25 days ago : The patient was apparently asymptomatic 25 days ago when he went on a sudden alcohol binge for a couple of days following which he developed cough assosciated with sputum (scanty, non foul smelling, non sanguinous) and shortness of breath that could initially be classified under Class 2 NYHA(SOB with ordinary activity, slight limitation of physical a

2Yr old female, with fever and vomitingJanuary 11, 2022

2Yr old female, with fever and vomiting January 11, 2022 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs". This E log book also reflects my patient-centred online learning portfolio and your valuable comments on comment box are welcome.  NAME: Ankitha Roll no: 67 Batch: 2017   Case history:  A 42 y /F came to the casualty with complaints of fever , nausea , vomitings, constipation , generalised weakness since 7days ; burning micturition since 1day  HOPI-   Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1week back when she developed fever, which is intermittent, not associated with chills , rigors , associated with generalised weakness. Its also associated

Prefinal Examination

Prefinal Examination Name: K. Ankitha Reddy Roll Number : 67 2017 BATCH  Prefinal Examination PAPER 1 :